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Goddesses, General
* Sacred Texts: Women & Religion: Goddesses
* Goddess Names - Excellent compilation of goddesses worldwide from
* Blue Moon's Goddess Information Pages
* Spiral Goddess Grove - Lots of good Goddess information
* Danaan Press - Goddess books and literature
* Covenant of the Goddess - organization of Wiccan congregations and solitary practitioners.
* Lycos Zone Goddess Information
* The Goddess In World Mythology - Paintings by Sandra M. Stanton, with information about each Goddess
* Goddesses - archaeomythology magazine
* A Guide to Goddess Names
* Celtic Goddesses
Gods & Goddesses, Mythology and Literature
* Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt from the British Museum
* Olympian Gods & Goddesses
* Myths & Legends - comprehensive collection of links
* The Book of Gods, Goddesses, Heroes and Characters of Mythology - If this link is down, try this archived version.
* Spirit Online's Book of Deities - Searchable database, over 1700 entries
* Topical Index of Gods and Goddesses
* Gods, Goddesses & Myth
* Encyclopedia Mythica - lots of info, includes an image gallery
Goddess Specific
* Amaterasu
* Aphrodite
* Ashtoreth - worshipped from 1150 to 586 BC, in temples later given to Yahweh
* Athena
* All About Bast
* Brigid
* Earth Mother
* Gaia
* Hecate
* Isis
* The Lilith Pages
* The Lilith Myth - Gnosis Archives
* Rhiannon, Celtic Goddess
* Shakti - Tantric title for the Great Goddess (See also Shekina, and the Gnostic, Sophia)
* Shekina - Jewish-Kabbalistic version of the female soul of God (See also Shakti, and the Sophia)
* Sophia - From the Women's International Center artwork collection
* Descent of The Holy Sophia - Gnostic meditation
* Sophia Links - and lots of them
* Spider Woman
* Spirit Woman
* St. Barbara
* The Thinking Woman
Goddess Art & Figurines
* The Goddess-Art of Sarah Teofanov
* Mothers of Time, Balzi Rossi Figurines
* Venus of Willendorf
* Sacred Source - The Acheulian Goddess - The earliest proof of goddess worship?
* Caverns of Ritual and Controversy - article by Goddesses archaeomythology magazine on prehistory, caves and the goddess
Venus of Willendorf