The sorrow which has no vent in tears may make other organs weep. ~ Henry Maudsley |
This second tool is a tool of the emotions, or soul. It is also the connecting point for the body and the soul, or the place where body and soul align and work together. This is the tool of Crying.
Of all the weapons and all the tools, the Crying Tool is the star.
It is a simple process - after all, every child knows how to cry - but it will be hard to do because we have all been systematically taught not to cry since we were born.
But the importance of crying is world shaking!
If you were only allowed to do one thing - you should cry.
If you only had limited time and energy, you should use your available time and energy to cry.
If you had to fight to maintain your movement forward - you should fight for crying.
Crying - by itself - will lead to
- remembering
- accepting feelings
- changing beliefs
- making new decisions
- ending our slavery
- and going home.
Feelings and their purpose
The purpose of feelings is so that you will know how you respond to an experience. Your feelings will tell you if it is a pleasant experience or a painful one. But if you do not listen to the feelings, you will not know.
Our feelings are filled with important information; information about what is going on in our world and what our response is to those experiences. However, feelings give you their wisdom only if they are allowed to move in you and through you. Feelings must be released through their natural process to be of value. The place that holds your buried feelings (the unconscious) has great wisdom waiting for you. It is your wisdom, but it is being withheld from you.
You cannot accept your feelings if you are standing outside of them, watching them. To accept your feelings you must experience them. You must place your point of consciousness within the feelings that have been stored in your unconscious.
After the moment of placing your consciousness in your feelings, there must be a shift. Until now, the part of you that thinks of itself as you, has been in control. But in order to let your feelings express, your control must shift. Control must be given to the part of you that feels. And this makes you "feel" vulnerable because "you" don't want to lose control. However, the part of you that feels is also "you." And it is an important part of you; a part that can give you strength, wisdom, integrity and purpose, and can help you in all your endeavors.
Most of us must re-learn how to cry.
There are three phases to the process, described here:
We have lost the ability to move our emotions naturally, and in its place have put a useless and dangerous practice called "acting out."
We act out our feelings in the world and on ourselves, rather than actually feel and process them. Acting out is like a child playing house. It looks like house, but it is not really.
In acting out, we take emotions and play them out.
We yell and scream and get cross with people (especially children) and act out our anger. We get sad and depressed and act out our grief.
We go to scary movies and do dangerous activities so we can act out our fear.
Why do we act out rather than process our feelings properly? Because in acting out we believe we are strong. Acting out gives us the illusion that we are in charge. Acting out means we don't have to feel our real feelings - we can pretend instead. We skim around on the surface of the cauldron, without ever dipping beneath the surface where real healing can happen.
There is no reconciliation in acting out.
There is no relief in acting out.
There is no understanding in acting out.
When acting out, we either hurt others or ourselves.
Feelings processed properly bring relief and instruct us about ourselves.
Feelings processed properly never hurt anyone or anything.
Feelings processed properly bring understanding, wisdom and love.
You must be careful not to get side tracked into acting out. All the forces that want to keep you enslaved, encourage you to act out your feelings rather than release them, because that is how they keep us enslaved.
Two special guidelines to be sure you are not acting out
1. Releasing emotions never hurts anyone. It is never necessary to be physical or verbal with another person when healing our emotions.
2. Releasing emotions at the deeply healing level always has tears. |
See Also: Emotional Healing Links for articles and books about crying.